People of faith must wrestle with the issue of the constitution and authority. Often the Bible and the Constitution are in agreement regarding acceptable behavior. At times, they contradict. Something may be permissible (or implied) by the Constitution, but be against God’s law. Either the Constitution is superior to God’s law (the Bible) or vice versa. Drunkenness is not illegal except when driving, but the Bible clearly prohibits it.

Discussion Starters

  • Which is higher, God’s law or man’s (the Bible or the Constitution)?
  • What are some possible consequences of putting God’s law above the Constitution when they differ?
  • What are some possible consequences of putting the Constitution above God’s law when they differ?
  • When man puts the Constitution ( or man’s law) above God’s, where does that put God in relation to man, who has more authority?
  • If man is going to put his own laws above God’s, what is the use or purpose of claiming to follow God?
  • Daniel put God’s laws above man’s. How did that work out for him? Would the same thing happen today?
  • Muslims put God’s law above man’s. Is that right or wrong? Support your answer.
  • How are the 10 Commandments similar or different from the Bill of Rights, in that they both strive to govern society?
  • In addition to the 10 Commandments, Moses followed his father-in-law’s advice to establish a structure of authority with only the most difficult cases coming to Moses himself. Would that structure fall under the category of God’s law or man’s? Is that kind of structuring biblical or unbiblical?

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